Old car converted to electric car: If you have any old car and want to sell or scrap it because of many reasons like registration expired, engine not working, etc. And if you want to keep your old car because you have lots of memories with it then you don’t need to worry about it, because now you can convert your old petrol or diesel car to electric and keep it forever(like a few more years). To know more about the old car electric conversion read below.
Which is best option for old car scrapping or converting it to electric?
If you ask this question that which is best for old car scrapping or converting it to electric, then best suggestion for you that you should scrap it if you don’t have much attachment with the car.
Also see
Why scrapping is the best option for old cars.
Scrapping is best option for old cars because it will benefit the car owner as well as the environment. If you scrap your old car then you will get many benefits from it.
The Vehicle Scrapping Policy by the Government of India also ensures good incentives and the best price possible. Government has authorised some scrapping yards for complete and environmental friendly scrapping of your car. A joint venture between Mahindra Accelo and Metal Scrap Trade Corporation LTD. (MSTC- a Government of India Enterprise) was set up under the name of Cero. It is the first and only organised automobile recycler in India.
What benefit you will get for scrapping you old car?
There are many benefit of scrapping you old cars like..
- The government is setting up authorised vehicle scrapping facilities, this will generate huge employment opportunities in India.
- Vehicle scrapping will ensure removal of old vehicles and an increase in sales of new vehicles in India.
- With the increased sale of new vehicles with advanced safety features, commuting on Indian roads will become a lot safer.
- A social benefit is cleaner air. As inefficient vehicles will be taken off the roads, the air pollution levels will possibly decrease as the new vehicles cause very less pollution due to strict norms.
- If a car owner scraps his old vehicle they will stand eligible for tax rebates and a proposed discount of up to 15% on the purchase of a new vehicle.
When you should convert your old car to electric car.
If you love your old car very much then you can keep it by converting it to electric car. If you decided to convert your old car to electric then you should remember some points like converting old car is little expensive but it is cheaper then the new electric cars in the market. The estimated cost of old car conversion to electric is approximately Rs 5 lakh in India.

where can i convert my old car to electric?

There are some of the startups which are able to convert you old car to fully electric car. You can visit etrio.in, they are expert in converting old cars to electric car. etrio is india’s first certified retrofitting company where you can get your vehicle fitted with an all-electric drivetrain.
Cost of converting old car to electric.

The Estimated cost of old car conversation to electric is around Rs 5 lakh in which the car go 80 kms on a single charge. Or if you want to increase the range then it will cost extra money. Remind you the new electric car price starts from Rs 15 lakh compare to that it is very cheap.
Old ford petrol sedan converted to electric car.
If you have knowledge about the working of the car and you know how to repair or fix car issues then you can convert you old car to electric car by your self.

Here is the example of technical partha who has converted the old Ford sedan to an electric car.
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